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Pada 5 Oktober 2020, satu mesyuarat telah diadakan di antara panel kimia Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi (FAST) dan Pejabat Pemasaran dan Komunikasi Korporat UTHM bertempat di Bilik Mesyuarat, Aras 2, Perpustakaan Tunku Tun Aminah UTHM Batu Pahat. Mesyuarat ini dipengerusikan oleh Pengarah Pejabat Pemasaran dan Komunikasi Korporat UTHM Prof Madya Ts Dr Raja Zuraidah Raja Mohd Rasi, turut disertai Ketua Jabatan Pejabat Pemasaran dan Komunikasi Korporat UTHM Prof Madya Ts Dr Elmy Johana Mohamad, Timbalan Dekan Akademik dan Antarabangsa FAST juga pensyarah-pensyarah panel kimia FAST. Mesyuarat ini diadakan bagi membincangkan dan meminta pandangan mengenai strategi dalam mempromosikan program Sarjana Muda Sains Kimia Industri (3u1i). Perbincangan yang berlangsung selama 3 jam telah berjaya menemui beberapa kata sepakat yang mana input tersebut penting bagi mempromosikan program Sarjana Muda Sains Kimia Industri (3u1i) FAST.

Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity 2020 (ICB2020)

🔊 Call For Papers !!

Call for papers now for the Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity 2020 (ICB2020) – organised by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Universitas Gadjah Mada.

All accepted papers will be PUBLISHED in IOP Conference Proceeding: Earth and Environmental Sciences (SCOPUS indexed)

Authors are kindly invited to submit their papers as per the schedule below:

🌀Paper Submission (Early Bird): 31 August 2020
🔥Paper Submission Deadline: 30 September 2020
🌀Notification of Acceptance: 15 October 2020
🌀Revised Paper Submission Deadline: 30 October 2020
🌀Paper Registration & Payment: Before 30 October 2020

For more info and virtual conference update, kindly visit the ICB2020 website-

Thank you and we’re looking forward to meeting you at ICB2020

Best regards,
ICB2020 Secretariat

Call for papers now for the Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity 2020 (ICB2020)

💥📢 Call For Papers ‼️

Call for papers now for the Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity 2020 (ICB2020) – organised by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Universitas Gadjah Mada.
All accepted papers will be PUBLISHED in IOP Conference Proceeding: Earth and Environmental Sciences (SCOPUS indexed)

Authors are kindly invited to submit their papers as per the schedule below:

🔥 Paper Submission (Early Bird): 31 July 2020 !! (EXTENDED) !! 📌📌📌
🌀 Paper Submission Deadline: 31 August 2020
🌀 Notification of Acceptance: 15 August 2020
🌀 Revised Paper Submission Deadline: 31 August 2020
🌀 Paper Registration & Payment: Before 20 August 2020

For more info and virtual conference update, kindly visit the ICB2020 website-

Thank you and we’re looking forward to meeting you at ICB2020

Best regards,
ICB2020 Secretariat

Call for papers now for the Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity 2020 (ICB2020)

Call For Papers!

Call for papers now for the Virtual International Conference on Biodiversity 2020 (ICB2020) – organised by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Universitas Gadjah Mada.

All accepted papers will be PUBLISHED in SCOPUS indexed proceeding.

Authors are kindly invited to submit their papers as per the schedule below:

Paper Submission (Early Bird): 30 June 2020
Paper Submission Deadline: 31 July 2020
Notification of Acceptance: 15 August 2020
Revised Paper Submission Deadline: 31 August 2020
Paper Registration & Payment: Before 20 August 2020

For more info and virtual conference update, kindly visit the ICB2020 website-

Thank you and we’re looking forward to meeting you at ICB2020

Best regards,
ICB2020 Secretariat

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