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Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology

Environmental Spectrophotometer Training

The training of Environmental Spectrophotometer has been conducted at Makmal Gunasama Kimia 1. The training has been given by Mr. Sabirin Mustafa from Arachem (M) Sdn Bhd. the training session is to explain the theory and function of these instruments, how Spectrophotometer and Colorimeter works. The trainer also teaches how to conduct this machine properly, how to prepare the standard and sample before measurement. The Environmental Spectrophotometer is advanced laboratory spectrophotometer for water testing. It offers high-speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum, and comes with over 250 pre-programmed methods including the most common water and environmental testing methods used today. With optional accessories allowing for high-volume testing via a carousel sample changer, and increased accuracy with a sample delivery system that eliminates optical difference errors, this instrument ensures you are ready to handle your wide-ranging water testing needs. At the end of this training, the participants got knowledge about the principle and mechanisms of these instruments and also able to try and conduct the machine. Your water and environmental testing needs, all in one spectrophotometer.

Digital Flame Photometer and Colorimeter Training

The training of Digital Flame Photometer and Colorimeter has been conducted at Makmal Gunasama Kimia 1. The training has been given by Mr. Raymond Yap from CNG Instruments Sdn Bhd. the training session is to explain the theory and function of these instruments, how Digital Flame Photometer and Colorimeter works. The trainer also teaches how to conduct this machine properly, how to prepare the standard and sample before measurement. Digital Flame Photometer machine is simple and easy to operate instruments for the determination of sodium, potassium and lithium. It is an ideal instrument for soil testing labs. A colorimeter is a device that measures the absorbance of particular wavelengths of light by a specific solution. At the end of this training, the participants got knowledge about the principle and mechanisms of these instruments and also able to try and conduct the machine.

FAST Menerima Dron Bagi Tujuan 3P – Pengajaran, Pembelajaran & Penyelidikan

Ts. Dr. Kamarul Rahim Bin Kamarudin menerima sijil serta dron setelah tamat kursus dua hari (9-10 September 2020) drone operator & lulus ujian-ujian simulasi dan lapangan di kampus UTHM cawangan Tanjung Laboh, Senggarang, Batu Pahat (PuMAS) yang juga dihadiri oleh peserta-peserta dari KESAS, QSR, Johor Port Berhad dan lain-lain. Dron diserahkan ke pihak fakulti FAST bagi tujuan pengajaran, pembelajaran dan penyelidikan.

10 September 2020 – Ujian 1 – Ujian simulasi penerbangan dron.

10 September 2020 – Ujian 2 – Pengendalian dron di lapangan.

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